The Criminal Investigations Division of the Anderson Police Department investigates adult and juvenile crimes occurring within the Anderson city limits. Our detectives work with multiple other agencies including federal, state, and local levels.
Our personnel work Monday through Friday, from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m., with supervision and detectives on-call at all other times, including nights and weekends.
Supervisors over criminal investigations include:
Lt. Steven Denny - (765) 648-6759
Sgt. Matt Guthrie - (765) 648-6747
Detectives & Investigators assigned to the Criminal Investigations Division include:
Main Line - (765) 648-6730
Detective Cliff Cole - (765) 648-6654
Detective Travis Thompson - (765) 648-6723
Detective Matt Kopp - (765) 648-6735
Detective Matt Jarrett - (765) 648-6750
Sergeant Ryan Prado - (765) 648-6755
Detective Courtney Ginder - (765) 648-6734
Detective Christopher Christian - (765) 648-6089
Detective Brett Webb - (765) 648-6731
Detective Cora Garcia - (765) 648-6729
Detective Chris Burton - (765) 648-6754
Detective Richard Stires - (765) 648-6728
Detective Chris Hoyle - (765) 648-6679
Detective Alex Wagner - (765) 648-6746
Detective Nolan Schaefer - (765) 648-6714
Burglary & Theft Unit
The Burglary and Theft Unit (BTU) is integrated with the Central Intelligence Unit (CIU) to best facilitate the sharing and distribution of the latest intelligence for solving property crimes. The investigators assigned to this unit focus strictly on property crimes and criminal intelligence related to them. Current investigators assigned to the unit are:
Main Line - (765) 648-6742
Forensic Lab
The Anderson Police Department Special Services offers Forensic Lab investigators to assist CID. The forensic lab consists of two technicians specializing in fingerprints, photographs, and evidence collection, along with a civilian chemist.
Detective Dave Carroll - (765) 648-6749
Detective Michael Castro - (765) 648-6761
The main line for Criminal Investigations is (765) 648-6730.